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5-5-10 Ordinance Committee
George T. Ferguson, Chair
John Aurelia, Sr.
James S. Belden
Jeffrey A. Capeci
Mary Ann Jacob
Richard Woycik

Legislative Council Ordinance Committee
Minutes (Draft) and Motions for Meeting of May 5, 2010
Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Committee Members  Present:     John Aurelia Sr., James Belden, Jeff Capeci, George Ferguson, Mary Ann Jacob, Richard Woycik

Also present:                                    Hua Nguyen, Editor, Newtown Patch                                

The meeting was called to order at 6:34 p.m.

Public Participation
There were no members of the public present

Review and Approval of Minutes

        Mr. Belden made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of  April 15, 2010.  Seconded by Mr. Woycik.  Minutes were approved unanimously.   

Discussion and possible action regarding proposed changes to the Town of Newtown's Flood Control Ordinance which is number referenced as either Chapter 232 of the Newtown Code Book or as Ordinance 54B.

Mr. Ferguson advised the members of the Committee that he had advanced the process of moving this legislation forward by submitting to the Newtown Bee a Notice of Public Hearing (May 19, 2010 at Municipal Office Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT) and accompanying Display Advertisement of the full text of the proposed revised ordinance.  

Discussion and possible action on expanding the Design Advisory Board from 3 to 5 members, Chapter 27 of the Newtown Code Book.

The Committee discussed the proposed revised Design Advisory Board Ordinance, discussed alternative changes to the draft and came to consensus on a revised proposed ordinance agreeing to move this to public hearing at 6:30 p.m. on June 2, 2010 in the Municipal Board Room, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT.  Mr. Ferguson will arrange for a public notice and advertisement of the revised proposed ordinance to be published in the Newtown Bee.

Motion to approve move this to public hearing made by Mr. Capeci and seconded by Mr. Aurelia.   Motion carried unanimously.
Preliminary discussion of the process for undertaking a Charter mandated bi-annual review of  Regulation 4, Chapter 90, Newtown Code Book, regarding Town of Newtown Purchasing and Bidding Procedures

The Committee discussed the process through which it would undertake the Charter Mandated biennial review of the Purchasing Regulation.  Mr. Capeci noted that he had not recalled this having occurred during the course of his time on the Legislative Council.  

The following parameters were discussed and agreed to for this review:

  • Alignment with current  practice
  • Adequate checks and balances
  • Consistency with the Charter, State Statutes, etc.
  • Appropriate threshold amounts
  • Provision favoring local content
As next steps Mr. Ferguson was asked to invite the Purchasing Authorities for the Municipality and School System to present an overview of their operating practices and procedures at a meeting which would  focus on this matter.  The meeting was tentatively scheduled for 6:15 p.m. on June 2nd.     

Mr. Capeci agreed to consult with Town Attorney Grogins about the inconsistencies between the purchasing regulation and the Town Charter and to determine if these were due to State Statute.

Mr. Woycik agreed to contact John Kortze, Chairman of the Board of Finance and Ben Spragg, Chairman of the Legislative Council’s Finance Committee to explore their interest and involvement in this process.  Mr. Ferguson recalled the Charter may have mentioned the Board of Finance’s involvement with this Regulation.

Preliminary discussion of a new ordinance to protect children

A short discussion of a ordinance to protect children was discussed briefly and a set of documents that were recently received from various sources were distributed.  The Ordinance Committee expects to be charged with a review of this proposed Legislation at an upcoming Council meeting.

Discussion of Future Meeting Dates

The Committee agreed to meet on June 19, 2010 and June 2, 2010.

Public Participation  

New Business

Motion to adjourn made by John Aurelia and seconded by Mary Ann Jacob.